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Contact Us

All information marked by an asterisk is compulsory for processing your contact request. This information is intended for use by ALCOAM BY DESIGN for the everyday management of clients and prospective clients.This data is stored during three years, from the time it has been collected or the last contact in the case of a prospection, or after the end of the commercial relationship for a client. The data is processed by ALCOAM BY DESIGN and is not transmitted to any other recipient. Pursuant to law no. 78-17 of 6th January 1978, you can exercise your right to access, to rectification and/or to erasure of your personal data, as well as your right to object and to restriction of the processing of such data, by sending an email to: contact@alcoam.design or by writing to: ALCOAM BY DESIGN, 31 avenue Mirabeau, 78000 Versailles.
For more details regarding our policy related to the protection of personal data collected on our web site, please consult its legal notice.